Simply put...this is a funny place to live. And I don't mean funny as in unusual or different. I mean funny as in HAHAHAHA! THAT just HAPPENED kind of funny. At least once a day I see something that just gives me pause. My American brain just can't quite process it. Allow me to explain.
First, you need to know that things here break ALL THE TIME. I guess you really can't build an entire country in 10 years, give or take, without some minor construction issues. It really can take you by surprise when you turn on the kitchen sink and the entire faucet apparatus comes loose and blows up to the ceiling, causing a fire-hydrant worthy spray of water to shoot into the sky. Or when you are washing dishes at same sink (clearly a hazardous place to be) and a large chunk of ceiling plaster falls and bonks you on the head - all Chicken-Little style. But not to worry - there are lots of people ready to come and fix things for you! Like the innovative solution the repair guy came up with on fixing this light switch cover. Good as new:
You can also buy some REALLY COOL stuff here. Things you didn't even know you needed. Like these awesome chairs Francis and I found at the LuLu Hypermarket (and no, I didn't make that name up). AND they were only 69DHS - roughly 20 bucks! A steal!!
But hands down, no holds barred, the best part about living here is the selection of cuisine. I mean, you thought Velveeta was good? Well! You have yet to try VONK - shown here in convenient two pound package!
Need something a little extra to go with your VONK? How about this?
Really? What is in that? I mean SPAM is HAM, so does that mean ZWAN is....dare we think it...SWAN???
After all that shopping, you may have a little craving for some McDonald's. I know that happens to me. But sometimes a Quarter Pounder just doesn't hit the spot. That's when you can opt for the delicious (and vegetarian):
After all that eating, though, one really should work out. But it's hot. We're tired. Needing a boost? Don't forget your wheat based energy drink:
And we have thought about it, and thought about it....and truly? There is only one way to pronounce this.
Coming next? Join me and Francis as we play - GUESS THAT LOGO in ARABIC! Are you ready for the challenge?? Coming soon.....
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