Thursday, January 12, 2012


Yes, readers, the time has come.  It is a time we have eagerly anticipated for many years.  No, there is not a decent Republican candidate for president.  No, Caroline has not willingly started eating foods that are not white.  And no, I am not getting a job.  Sheesh. 


Yes, despite the fact that he was recently described in the press as "a baby faced assasin" (his new nickname at home) - my eternally thirty something husband is now forty.  Hurrah! 

Of course, this called for not one, not two, not three, but FOUR seperate celebrations.  And you all know how Team Sasso hates a good party...

Party One was thanks to our awesome family, Amanda, Marcos and Francis.  A delicious dinner at the Tar Pits in Los Angeles - on La Brea or Melrose or one of those super trendy spots that all seem to blend together in a whir of head spinning fashion and hipness.  I think I had to sneak in because I'm not sure you're even allowed in the area if you're actually over forty.  We drank vintage cocktail creations, had delicious creative small plates, and Chef Francis made a gorgeous cake. 

Party Two was with our dear friends Debi and Tom Thomas.  After cocktails in their stunning home (I am going to try to secretly move in there and live in their basement when I return), we hopped off to Flemings for a juicy steak and "diet" martinis.  Hey, let me live with that illusion. 

Party Three was a super-treat because we got to see some of our very favorite Manhattan Beach peeps for a night out on the town.  Monique and Alberto, Michelle and Paul and Natasha and Jim planned a fantastic dinner on the pier in Hermosa - on Augusto's actual birthday - New Year's Eve!  A delicious dinner at Palmilla and lots of laughs! 

Here are the guys:

And the girls:

Party Four -  Of course, we had to celebrate with our London peeps, who make this our home away from home!   We had a lovely dinner party, with the theme Whiskey and Roses.  I don't know - I just felt like it needed a theme.  And he likes whiskey and I like roses, so there you have it. 

Here are our tables:

Bar set and ready:

My ladies, looking lovely (we missed Tav in the pic)!

It was an elegant affair.  Dignified, quiet, sophisticated.  Chamber music floated in the background.  We sipped champagne and made intelligent conversation.  That is, until someone decided that we should all drink the table decorations....which just happened to be whiskey (see theme, above).  I will not incriminate her but some of you may be surprised to know her initials are SW, and she used to live in MB.  After the whiskey shots it was....


Turns out that my entry way isn't useless after the giant christmas tree is removed.  Turns out, it makes a MOST excellent dance floor!  The kids, fresh from the pool, joined in the fun! 

Oh yeah...the kids!  We love having all these cute little people over, so we couldn't leave them out of the celebration!  18 of them, to be precise - all singing "Mr. Augusto" Happy Birthday! 

Caroline and one of her super-besties, Anna

George with Alex and Daniel

But the piece de resistance?  Wait for it.....

Oh yes.  It is the Lazer 3000.  A 50x50 fully self enclosed laser mase, assault rifles with automatic counters, and giant digital scoreboard.  Because nothing says "Forty" like mock warfare.  In my yard.  There goes the neighborhood. 

And I got to have my "Charlie's Angel" moment.  I even got to be Farrah (she's in the middle, right?) 

After the kids had some fun, we declared "adults only" time in the Lazer 3000.  We barreled in there, guns blazing (beeping) and had an all out whiskey and champagne fueled lazer war.  Bouncing off walls, running at top speed, we went full-on over forty Rambo.  It was so intense the Lazer 3000 had to be a "no kid" zone for a while, lest the risk of serious injury.  I went in wearing Prada and Wolford, and I came out looking like, well, a two-dollar hooker.  Holes in my stockings, carefully curled hair all messed up, leather shorts askew.  But I don't think I've laughed that hard in all my adult life. 

So thank you, thank you, thank you to our precious friends and family far and near.  Having each one of you in our lives is the best gift of all.  Thank you for joining in our celebrations! 

Happy Birthday Honey!  You are the most amazing husband, father and man.  I hope your birthday was as amazing as you are.  We love you!