Our backyard - the Atlantis hotel in the distance...
When Augusto started working in the Middle East, I have to admit I knew nothing at all about the region, the people, the religion or the culture. I asked all the questions like "Is it safe? Will you be kidnapped?" I honestly believe the part of my brain that deals with geography was damaged sometime during childhood - I truly have no sense of the world and can't even remember the simplest of landmarks. It is a real downer when playing Trivial Pursuit. So this has been good for me - until now the "Middle East" to me meant Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all conjured images of people that were dangerous, sexist, unfriendly and conservative. Thank you, American media!
In fact, the UAE (United Arab Emirates) and other countries here that we have yet to explore are not only welcoming to Westerners, they are extremely proud to show off their beautiful traditions and heritage. I love the line in Sex and the City 2 when Carrie says "It's like Jasmine and Aladdin...with cocktails!". And in fact, it is. Dubai is known as "the bubble" - because they have worked so hard to create an image of the ultimate destination. Everything here is the biggest, the newest, the prettiest, the richest. It is like a Disney movie, at least on the surface. Of course, if everything here was really perfect, Augusto would probably be on a plane home! It is, however, a very safe, very beautiful place to live, and the Emiratis (said Em-Er-Ah-Tees) are very accepting of other cultures.
In fact, they totally dig Americans and the girls have been the subject of many photographs. One of my favorites was a group of men at the mall who spoke no English who managed to pantomime that they wanted to take a picture with Georgia. I explained this to G, and she immediately jumps in between two men wearing dishdashes, slings an arm around each of their necks, and yells "CHEESE!". They couldn't get enough! Keep in mind that in this culture, not only do women completely cover themselves, but they do not ever touch men, or even make eye contact with men they do not know.
I am continually entertained with how the Emiratis are particularly in to things I would consider "American". Perfect example: In the Mall of the Emirates (the same Mall with SkiDubai - the indoor ski slope...people skiing in dishdashes...but that's another story) there is a place called Magic Planet. So, imagine all the rides and games at a traveling carnival bolted to the ground indoors, mixed with Chuck-E-Cheese and a giant arcade, and that's Magic Planet. One of the rides is this giant Robot Arm - a ride for two people where you get strapped in and then the robot arm goes berserk - shakes you up and down, spins you around, turns you upside-down, the whole nausea inducing thing. And riding the Robot Arm are two middle aged women in full burka and abaya (the black robes and headdress that completely cover them)! As they get tossed about and go upside-down their burkas flop over their heads and you can hear the screams of laughter coming from inside the burkas - like two giant black ghosts! How great are these people!!
For the record, I don't need to wear a burka but and considering it because truly - how many buffets could you eat without fear of the bulge if all you wore was a burka? Come ON!
I implore all of you, again, to consider coming to visit us. We would love to see you! Please keep in touch - as fun as this adventure is, Rolling Hills is still our home and you are still all of our hearts!
We love you!
When Augusto started working in the Middle East, I have to admit I knew nothing at all about the region, the people, the religion or the culture. I asked all the questions like "Is it safe? Will you be kidnapped?" I honestly believe the part of my brain that deals with geography was damaged sometime during childhood - I truly have no sense of the world and can't even remember the simplest of landmarks. It is a real downer when playing Trivial Pursuit. So this has been good for me - until now the "Middle East" to me meant Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all conjured images of people that were dangerous, sexist, unfriendly and conservative. Thank you, American media!
In fact, the UAE (United Arab Emirates) and other countries here that we have yet to explore are not only welcoming to Westerners, they are extremely proud to show off their beautiful traditions and heritage. I love the line in Sex and the City 2 when Carrie says "It's like Jasmine and Aladdin...with cocktails!". And in fact, it is. Dubai is known as "the bubble" - because they have worked so hard to create an image of the ultimate destination. Everything here is the biggest, the newest, the prettiest, the richest. It is like a Disney movie, at least on the surface. Of course, if everything here was really perfect, Augusto would probably be on a plane home! It is, however, a very safe, very beautiful place to live, and the Emiratis (said Em-Er-Ah-Tees) are very accepting of other cultures.
In fact, they totally dig Americans and the girls have been the subject of many photographs. One of my favorites was a group of men at the mall who spoke no English who managed to pantomime that they wanted to take a picture with Georgia. I explained this to G, and she immediately jumps in between two men wearing dishdashes, slings an arm around each of their necks, and yells "CHEESE!". They couldn't get enough! Keep in mind that in this culture, not only do women completely cover themselves, but they do not ever touch men, or even make eye contact with men they do not know.
I am continually entertained with how the Emiratis are particularly in to things I would consider "American". Perfect example: In the Mall of the Emirates (the same Mall with SkiDubai - the indoor ski slope...people skiing in dishdashes...but that's another story) there is a place called Magic Planet. So, imagine all the rides and games at a traveling carnival bolted to the ground indoors, mixed with Chuck-E-Cheese and a giant arcade, and that's Magic Planet. One of the rides is this giant Robot Arm - a ride for two people where you get strapped in and then the robot arm goes berserk - shakes you up and down, spins you around, turns you upside-down, the whole nausea inducing thing. And riding the Robot Arm are two middle aged women in full burka and abaya (the black robes and headdress that completely cover them)! As they get tossed about and go upside-down their burkas flop over their heads and you can hear the screams of laughter coming from inside the burkas - like two giant black ghosts! How great are these people!!
For the record, I don't need to wear a burka but and considering it because truly - how many buffets could you eat without fear of the bulge if all you wore was a burka? Come ON!
I implore all of you, again, to consider coming to visit us. We would love to see you! Please keep in touch - as fun as this adventure is, Rolling Hills is still our home and you are still all of our hearts!
We love you!
Team Sasso, Middle East